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Sagetech’s Tiny New ADS-B Transponder Gets Thumbs Up from U.S. Defense Department

The DoD International AIMS Program Office has awarded certification to Sagetech for its upgraded ADS-B transponder, the MX12B V2. (Photo: Sagetech)

Sagetech Avionics is now the first company to receive U.S. Defense Department certification for its new MX12B V2 transponder technology. 

Incorporating Mode 5 Level 2B Out capability, the transponder recently received the thumbs up from the Pentagon’s AIMS Program Office, a tortured acronym that stands for Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS), Identification Friend or Foe (IFF), and Mark XII Systems.

ATCRBS is used to provide identification and positioning data to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and military ground stations. IFF is a general class of “L” band equipment that provides range, azimuth, and aircraft identity to ground stations. The Mark XII system is encrypted and military-specific.

Sagetech’s Mode 5 Level 2B Out IFF system enables seamless integration and interoperability among military platforms, ensuring effective coordination among aircraft, according to the Bingen, Washington-based company. It also can reduce the risk of friendly fire and midair collisions. 

It is unclear for which military aircraft the technology was certified, but it could be used to deconflict complex battlespace among fleets of manned and unmanned aircraft and can better enable manned-unmanned teaming, or MUM-T. All of the military services are either currently practicing MUM-T, as the Army is with AH-64 Apache gunships and MQ-1 Gray Eagle Drones, or are developing semi-autonomous wingmen aircraft to fly alongside manned fighter aircraft in future conflicts. Advanced transponder technologies to deconflict airspace over crowded battlefields will be a key enabler of that and other operational concepts, Sagetech Chief Technology Officer Matt Hamilton said

M5L2-B empowers aircraft to securely and accurately transmits critical information including position, airspeed, and identification to other friendly platforms and ground-based radars, without requiring the use of a large, costly Mode-5 interrogator to determine the identification status of the aircraft.

The MX12B packs all the latest required functionality into a micro package weighing less than half a pound. Tiny compared to traditional Mode 5 transponders, the unit includes integrated ADS-B In and Out, pressure altitude encoder, antenna diversity, and Ethernet.

“The addition of Mode 5 Level 2B will create a safer and more efficient airspace by providing air and ground crews with situational awareness of other friendly aircraft,” Hamilton said in a statement. “This technology will help enable the airspace for manned-unmanned-teaming missions and autonomous swarming. It also will improve air defense and counter-UAS systems by providing a more complete picture of the airspace without the need [for] an interrogator system.”

In April, Sagetech Avionics and Advanced Technologies Security & Defense completed the Brazilian equivalent of FCC approval by ANATEL (the Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency). Sagetech’s micro-transponder, the MXS, can now be installed on the Harpy drone produced by Advanced Technologies, an uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) manufacturer based in Brazil.

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Northrop Unveils DARPA Shipboard Drone Concept for Navy Tactical Missions

The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency’s (DARPA) Tactical Technology Office awarded a contract to Northrop Grumman for designing an autonomous VTOL aircraft system. (Photo: U.S. Navy)

Northrop Grumman has unveiled the design of the new autonomous uncrewed vertical take-off and landing aircraft capable of operating from Navy ships at sea that it will build under a new contract from the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency’s (DARPA) Tactical Technology Office.

The as-yet unbuilt aircraft has been given a typically terrible Defense Department acronym: ANCILLARY, which stands for AdvaNced airCraft Infrastructure-Less Launch And RecoverY. The Northrop-built demonstrator should be a cost-efficient, multiple-mission capable vehicle built on an agile platform that is runway independent.

Northrop is one of nine companies awarded contracts in late June to produce initial operational system and demonstration system conceptual designs for the DARPA program. AeroVironment, AVX Aircraft, Griffon Aerospace, Karem Aircraft, Leidos, Method Aeronautics, Northrop Grumman, Piasecki Aircraft, and Sikorsky will develop VTOL UAS designs, with Navy and Marine missions in mind, during the six-month Phase Ia. Teams then will submit competitive proposals for more detailed X-plane design work.  

DARPA foresees a relatively small drone weighing somewhere between 250 and 300 pounds so that several can be deployed on a single ship. The MQ-8C Fire Scout, also developed by Northrop Grumman, is a full-sized Bell 407 helicopter outfitted to fly without a crew on board. Ideally, the system should require only two people to set up, launch, operate, and recover, DARPA has said.

The U.S. Navy conducted calibration flight testing of the Leonardo Osprey 30 AN/ZPY-8 radar for the MQ-8C Fire Scout drone in 2020. The helicopter system was deployed operationally at the end of 2021.

Northop’s ANCILLARY is designed to carry a 60-pound sensor payload with 20 hours of endurance and a mission radius range of 100 nautical miles. That should surpass current unmanned aircraft systems without using significant additional infrastructure aside from what is on board the air vehicle. The system will also have the capability to land on a ship in adverse weather conditions.

Conceptual drawings of Northrop’s design show a torpedo-shaped main fuselage with twin, fixed engine nacelles, each with a downward-facing propeller, mounted midway on wings that fold for vertical flight and extend into an airplane configuration for forward flight. The aircraft has a chin-mounted sensor ball and appears to have a pusher prop aft to propel it forward during level flight. 

Northrop said that the aircraft will be capable of performing intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting missions, and supporting expeditionary missions for special operations forces and logistical missions with significant affordability impacts for ship-to-shore transition of parts and supplies.

“In collaboration with DARPA, Northrop Grumman will work to significantly enhance how future autonomous vertical lift aircraft will operate at sea and ashore,” said Tim Frei, vice president of research and advanced design at Northrop Grumman. “The ANCILLARY program enables us to combine our digital engineering expertise with extensive knowledge and insights from past successes in developing and operating uncrewed vertical lift aircraft for the U.S. Navy.”

ANCILLARY aims to solve a combination of challenging design objectives by bringing together technology development in advanced VTOL aircraft configurations, advanced propulsion architectures, and advanced control effectors/theory from traditional and non-traditional industry companies, according to DARPA.

“The objectives of the program are to develop a small UAS that takes off and lands vertically, like a helicopter, and flies its mission like very efficient winged aircraft, while carrying a significant amount of payload for a variety of missions,” Steve Komadina, DARPA’s ANCILLARY program manager, said in June when the contracts were awarded. “We are looking for a VTOL UAS that can operate from ship flight decks and small out-of-the-way land locations in most weather conditions without using typical launch and recovery equipment that is needed for current long endurance, high payload weight aircraft.” 

“The major challenge is developing an integrated flight vehicle that meets the hard objective of combining VTOL, long endurance, and large payload while also meeting requirements for shipboard storage and operations,” Komadina added. “A key element is the propulsion system, which needs to have enough power to lift the X-plane vertically while also being extremely efficient in forward flight when power needs are lower.”

The project is expected to culminate with X-plane flight tests in early 2026.

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BAE Systems Unveils New Research Facility for Combat Air Capability

BAE Systems launches FalconWorks, a new division within its Air Sector, which will serve as a research facility for combat air capabilities. (Photos: BAE Systems)

BAE Systems recently unveiled a new research facility to accelerate research in cutting-edge combat air capability. The new division in the company’s Air Sector has been named FalconWorks, and as a center for research and development, it will deliver new cutting-edge air capabilities to the United Kingdom and its allies.

FalconWorks will collaborate with new and existing partners of BAE Systems to innovate through the generation of new ideas to further the capabilities of air combat technology. These partners include firms and institutions in a variety of areas, including academia, research, small and midsize enterprises (SMEs), and even national governments. 

Governments are perhaps one of the largest stakeholders of this new facility. These authorities aim to stay up-to-date on the latest technological innovations that have the potential to further solidify national security and improve their position in a variety of foreign conflicts. Adapting to new security and defense technologies is critical to maintaining the safety and security of national borders.

Specifically, FalconWorks will harness today’s latest technology—like artificial intelligence, quantum sensing, and robotics—to assess emerging trends and develop solutions quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, the program will coordinate design and research efforts with partner companies in areas like autonomy, synthetic environments, and electrical-powered air systems.

David Holmes, Managing Director of FalconWorks at BAE Systems, explained that today’s technologies are constantly changing. Thus, “The creation of FalconWorks is a reflection of the changing environment and our goal to ensure innovative technology development is at the core of everything we do. This new division builds on our established expertise in world-leading combat air programs such as Typhoon, F-35, and Tempest to unlock opportunities to expand our portfolio and deliver the breakthrough technologies which keep our customers ahead.”

BAE Systems has extensive experience in the aviation defense sector, making its knowledge, resources, and talent critical to the success of not only FalconWorks but also the new technologies it will develop. Its long history of working with academic institutions to conduct research on new technologies has led to large investments in research and development. In fact, in the past three years, BAE System has invested £800 of its own funds in researching new technologies and methods.

Beyond FalconWorks, BAE Systems has reached several major accomplishments this year. In April it announced it would work with Heart Aerospace to create a battery system for Heart’s electric regional airliner, the ES-30. As a result of this collaboration, BAE aims to create a first-of-its-kind battery that will be utilized on the fully-electric regional aircraft. If this program is successful, this aircraft will fly with zero emissions, all while addressing other industry challenges like noise pollution. Throughout the past 25 years, BAE Systems has designed, built, and sold over 15,000 power and propulsion systems to various customers across the world.

In addition to its work with Heart Aerospace, in January the firm received a contract from the United States Air Force to support mission data loads for the F-35 fighter jet. The five-year contract will support BAE as it tests mission data loads at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida.

BAE Systems’ Air Sector is a major player in the aviation industry and supports governments and private firms alike with the research and development of new technologies to make aviation more efficient for operators. The UK-based company is a world leader in defense exports, and develops, manufactures, upgrades, and supports some of the world’s most advanced combat aircraft. BAE also supports customers across the world with an extensive support network that assists customers in provisioning, training, and maintenance.

Additionally, BAE plays a pivotal role in the UK Combat Air Strategy. Launched in 2018, the program has put forth a bold vision for what combat air capability will look like in the future in the United Kingdom. The program is defined by Tempest, a future combat air system that will utilize new technology from BAE’s expertise to stay ahead of evolving threats across the world.

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OPINION: Regulations for eVTOL Aircraft

Where do eVTOL aircraft really fit? The FAA changed direction last year from classifying eVTOLs as fixed-wing small airplanes (Part 23) to treating them as a special class of “powered-lift” aircraft. (Photo: Archer)

The future of transportation is electric. That sentiment also applies to aircraft, though they’re often forgotten in talk of electric vehicles. While electric cars get all the publicity, there is in fact an electric revolution happening concurrently in the aviation industry which is equally profound but of more rigorous safety consequence.

And as electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) vehicles generate more interest and funding, they’ll also be powering a new mode of transport. That’s because such small electric-powered aircraft can enable a novel form of urban travel. Think of two- to six-passenger air taxis that can quickly fly people throughout metro areas or nearby cities. Or even imagine ride-sharing apps taking to the skies and your next Amazon delivery landing near you. I know I’m excited by the prospect.

However, the FAA is now tasked with coming up with new regulations meant specifically for electric aircraft and air taxis, as well as plans to ensure that airspace isn’t too crowded in the future. With at least 20% of people surveyed saying that they can imagine switching from their current mode of transportation to air taxis in the near future, there will need to be big infrastructural and regulatory changes in the aviation industry to make this happen.

Vance Hilderman, CEO of AFuzion, writes about the emergence of electric aircraft and the regulations that will be needed.

Current Regulatory Landscape

Low-altitude urban aircraft are something of a first, meaning there are few regulations actually on the books. Most have only recently been proposed and are waiting to go through the legislative process. Moreover, eVTOL vehicles take off and land like a helicopter but fly like an airplane, making regulation and certification a major challenge. Since these aircraft will carry paying passengers, they must comply with DO-178C (“ED-12C” in Europe) for all their safety-related software and DO-254 for their safety-related hardware onboard. These standards are well proven as almost every commercial regular aircraft flying today complies with DO-178C and DO-254.

So where do eVTOL aircraft really fit? Even the experts are confused. The FAA changed direction last year from classifying eVTOLs as fixed-wing small airplanes (what is called “Part 23” under federal regulations”) to treating them as a special class of “powered-lift” aircraft with more rigorous, ‘special’ certification rules.

The FAA had to create this category from scratch as its European equivalent EASA did two years prior, which encompasses aircraft that take off and land vertically but use a fixed wing for horizontal flight. It meant that eVTOL would no longer be subjected to regulations for general aviation airplanes but are subject to regulations for special classes of aircraft under FAA regulations 21.17(b).

In order for the FAA to approve eVTOL aircraft now, these vehicles must pass regulations in three distinct categories: type certification, production certification, and operational authorization. The first refers to the model design, the second to the production of that model, and the third to the pilots themselves. The last of these is what’s causing the most controversy here, with various proposals dictating additional requirements for eVTOL pilot training.

Since eVTOLs are now considered a special class of aircraft, certified commercial pilots may be unapproved to operate eVTOLs, creating the need for specialized training centers and a lot more administrative work. This is because eVTOLs are really a hybrid form of regular fixed-wing aircraft and a helicopter: eVTOLs take-off and land vertically like a helicopter but are able to fly very efficiently at cruising altitude because additional lift is provided by varying forms of fixed-wing type structures.

Just as automobiles have different classifications of driver’s licenses for cars, motorcycles, and commercial trucks, aviation will have a new eVTOL type pilot’s license. However, the leading eVTOL companies loudly criticized the move, claiming it’s only going to further the delay to initiation as in-work eVTOL designs had to be modified to comply with these new and evolving rules. Time will tell—the FAA has said that the industry should expect the full regulatory framework for eVTOL operators this summer.

In any case, the FAA has already admitted that it does not expect eVTOL aircraft to fly commercially until 2025 at the earliest, partially due to all these regulatory hurdles involved. (Author’s note: There were very few complaints about the new 2025 date because the necessary battery charging, vertiport, and air traffic control infrastructure changes probably mean an additional two-day delay to 2027 for meaningful eVTOL operations.)

(Photo: Joby Aviation)

What’s Needed

There are also two issues that the FAA has yet to address for special aircraft, issues that are not as huge a concern in traditional fuel-powered aircraft: fire and ice. We’ve seen the headlines with Teslas and other electric vehicles catching fire. But the stakes are a lot higher if a battery combusts in the air. This means that additional regulations and rigorous testing will be necessary for eVTOL batteries.

And on the other side of the spectrum, eVTOL engines operate at a much cooler temperature than those of traditional aircraft and are more likely to freeze in icy conditions. Companies that build eVTOLs will have to design their way around these issues, and then new regulations will be necessary on safe operating temperatures.

Outside the realm of vehicles themselves, additional regulations will be necessary based on the impact of these vehicles on urban settings and the surrounding environment. Take noise pollution. Developing regulations to address noise emissions and establish acceptable noise standards for eVTOL operations will likely be necessary to ensure minimal disturbance to urban communities.

Moreover, eVTOLs operate at lower altitudes than traditional commercial craft, which calls for the development of regulations to ensure their safe integration into urban airspace. Otherwise, they risk colliding with everything from skyscrapers to personal drones. To ensure safe flight paths, new air traffic management systems are necessary. Instead of air traffic control being restricted to airports, there may now be air traffic controls for city streets and rooftops.

So all-in-all, it’s about certifying the aircraft itself, the person operating the aircraft, and its operations in the surrounding environment. We’re entering uncharted territory here, but it won’t be uncharted for long.

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Enabling Safe and Efficient BVLOS Operations

Iridium recently conducted a flight trial in partnership with American Aerospace Technologies to showcase BVLOS capabilities. (Photo: Iridium)

Iridium Communications, a global mobile voice and data satellite communications network, recently published the results of an uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) flight trial that highlighted beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) capabilities.

In recent news, Collins Aerospace unveiled its new SATCOM solution to support the Iridium Certus satellite network that replaced the legacy GEN 1 constellation.

Part of Iridium’s commitment to advancing the integration of UAS into the national airspace system (NAS), the flight trial was conducted in partnership with American Aerospace Technologies. The trial affirms that a simplified Minimum Equipment List (MEL) may allow a Remote Pilot-In-Command (RPIC) to effectively monitor missions, communicate with air traffic control, and ensure compliance with safe Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) separation from other aircraft. 

In a white paper titled, “Monitored BVLOS: A New Model for UAS Integration in the National Airspace System,” Iridium addresses the challenges faced in establishing a safe, scalable, and efficient adoption of UAS in the NAS. The white paper explores methods to ensure the secure separation of aircraft. 

The results of the flight trial indicate that BVLOS operations are especially well-suited for Class E airspace due to the significantly reduced risk of encountering crewed Visual Flight Rules (VFR) aircraft. This accomplishment by Iridium marks a significant step forward in revolutionizing UAS integration.

Monitored BVLOS: a new model for UAS integration (Photo: Iridium)

With over 30 years of experience in the aviation industry, John Peterson, Executive Director of Aviation at Iridium Communications, has witnessed numerous advancements and challenges. In an interview with Avionics International, Peterson shared his excitement about the potential of drones and the commercial benefits of BVLOS operations. He offered insights regarding the complexities of flying uncrewed aircraft and the crucial need for the safe integration of UAS into shared airspace.

Peterson remarked first on the difficulties of enabling UAS operations even with a visual line of sight. The absence of a pilot on board raises concerns about potential accidents. “Operating beyond a certain distance within visual line of sight really just isn’t safe, because your depth perception isn’t any good once it gets far away from you,” he explained.

Realizing that operating within visual line of sight had limited commercial applications, he began exploring the possibilities of beyond visual line of sight. He drew a parallel to instrument flight rule (IFR) operations, which involve trained and equipped pilots operating under a well-established set of rules. Inspired by this comparison, Peterson recognized the potential of BVLOS operations and the need for a similar regulatory framework.

However, the challenges lay in congested airspace, particularly over urban areas. Such airspace demands careful consideration from regulatory authorities, given the associated risks. Remote and rural areas offered a more favorable environment for BVLOS operations, with numerous potential applications, Peterson noted. Given this opportunity, there is a need to establish rules, standards, and equipment requirements specifically tailored for BVLOS operations.

He expressed his concerns about the current waiver process for BVLOS operations. The process involves writing and submitting a white paper outlining their plans for operating the aircraft and any associated risks. “Someone needs to review it, and then they have to approve it. There’s no standard for it, so all the equipment that’s inside that document may be unfamiliar to the person who’s reviewing it,” he explained.

Peterson and a collaborative group, comprising avionics providers, OEMs, and software providers, sought to answer the question, “Can we actually maintain safe IFR separation using the highest latency link?” 

The advantage of Iridium’s satellite link, according to Peterson, was that it enables “excellent visibility of an aircraft no matter where it is in the world. These aircraft fly at such low altitudes that they don’t always see the VHF or ADS towers, but they fly at a high enough altitude that they don’t always see the LTE towers.”

He emphasized the importance of augmenting IFR rules to facilitate BVLOS operations under specific conditions through a waiver process. Local airspace authorities would play a pivotal role in approving and monitoring operations within their respective regions. This approach would enhance safety and foster localized oversight, rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all approach.

The goal of the flight test, conducted with American Aerospace Technologies, was to determine if existing Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) and technologies could be leveraged to enable safe BVLOS operations. By analyzing the capabilities of Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS) and Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems (ACAS), Iridium assessed the feasibility of maintaining appropriate separation distances. The team examined the time required to respond to intruders and maintain a safe distance based on speed, time, and distance calculations.

The flight test results were promising. Using Iridium Communications’ satellite link, the team found that it took approximately 18 seconds to react to an intruder spotted at a 5-mile distance. This response time allowed for maintaining more than 2 nautical miles of separation, meeting IFR rules even in BVLOS scenarios.

By utilizing existing rules and infrastructure and encouraging continuous improvement, the industry can expedite progress in BVLOS operations. Peterson believes that a limited number of BVLOS waivers issued per day, coordinated across different states, could provide a commercial advantage while ensuring safety and repeatability. This approach allows for iterative improvements in BVLOS operations while the FAA focuses on establishing comprehensive regulations for more complex airspace.

The vision extends beyond rule implementation. Peterson anticipates significant investments from avionics companies, aircraft manufacturers, operators, and software application providers to support BVLOS operations. The collaborative efforts of the industry will contribute to the development of standardized Minimum Equipment Lists (MEL) and the advancement of safer and more efficient BVLOS flights.

“That’s how our industry becomes great very quickly, without us sitting around waiting for a grant,” he said. “That’s the part that Iridium is super passionate about—using technologies that help us advance this incredible industry that’s in somewhat of a lull.”

He also shared his thoughts on how he would like to see the industry evolve over the next few years. “I’d like to see the directors of the local states working with their local operators and their local OEMs in order to establish areas where we can have BVLOS waivers that perform real commercial missions, whether they’re first responders, package delivery, or infrastructure monitoring—real commercial operations.”

He hopes to see these initial operations happening in a very simple way so that people become comfortable with increasing the number of missions per day. Then, the area in which they’re allowed to perform those missions can expand. Another factor is increasing the fidelity of what an MEL is in pilot training. “We don’t have established BVLOS pilot training—we need to define that better,” Peterson said. 

He also hopes that it will be possible to get BVLOS waivers approved using software applications. “We have evolved the MEL in the training to a point where somebody doesn’t need to write a white paper,” he commented. “They just need to be able to prove that they meet the requirements for a BVLOS waiver.” 

“Then what we would see is an economy of scale that’s occurring. We would see so much data from this that the FAA would become comfortable establishing a policy that eliminates the waiver process, and BVLOS becomes a part of our national airspace.”

Peterson outlined what he sees as some of Iridium’s strategic priorities. The first priority is to provide the drone industry with the most advanced and cost-effective satellite communications solutions. By addressing challenges related to size, weight, power, and cost, Iridium aims to offer the lowest-latency and most affordable satellite communication methods for drones. This strategic focus reflects the company’s commitment to equipping drones with the necessary tools to operate seamlessly and communicate effectively over long distances.

Although not in Iridium’s wheelhouse, the integration of 1090 megahertz surveillance systems into the national airspace is important for the industry, Peterson noted. He pointed to the unique advantage of this frequency, which is that satellites have the capability to detect 1090 megahertz signals. Drones, flying at altitudes where ground infrastructure is out of sight, benefit from excellent visibility to satellites. 1090 megahertz technology can be leveraged to enhance situational awareness, ensuring that drone operators have access to real-time information about their own position as well as the position of other aircraft in the vicinity. This integration is crucial for maintaining a comprehensive and accurate view of airspace activity.

Another priority is augmenting existing infrastructure through the use of battery-based Mode S transponders. These transponders, installed in aircraft that are not equipped with traditional transponder systems, enhance visibility and enable the effective relay of crucial information. Peterson suggests that incentives such as waivers, credits, or grants could encourage pilots to adopt this technology. It significantly contributes to the overall situational awareness of the airspace.

By layering the data from various sources, including 978 and 1090 megahertz surveillance, drones can relay valuable information about nearby traffic to air traffic controllers and remote pilots. This cooperative approach enhances safety and ensures that all relevant stakeholders have access to a comprehensive picture of the airspace.

The integration of these priorities offers a pathway to a future where collaboration, data sharing, and innovation thrive. Peterson believes that incremental improvements, rather than massive infrastructure overhauls, can lead to enhanced cooperation and safety in airspace operations. By making existing technology available to pilots, particularly those flying experimental or VFR, the industry can achieve greater synergy between different airspace users. The ability to respond to and cooperate with surrounding traffic becomes more accessible, fostering a conducive environment for BVLOS operations.

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AirFi CEO Talks In-Flight Streaming and LEO Satellite Solutions

AirFi developed a LEO (low-Earth orbit) satellite solution, pictured above, in partnership with Iridium and SKYTRAC. (Photo: Iridium)

Travel technology company AirFi has developed portable wireless streaming solutions that are cost-effective and easy to deploy. Following the successful implementation of AirFi’s portable streaming solution on easyJet’s EU and Swiss fleets, the company recently announced the extension of this technology to the remaining aircraft in the airline’s fleet. 

The initial trial of AirFi’s technology took place in Oct. 2022 as part of easyJet’s ongoing campaign to deliver an industry-leading digital onboard experience to its customers across Europe. The airline equipped an additional 108 aircraft with AirFi’s streaming technology, ultimately leading to its deployment on all 327 aircraft in the fleet.

The in-flight system powered by AirFi introduces a customized wireless engagement portal that offers passengers access to an array of content, including games, journey-specific information, and details about the airline. Passengers can also browse through a selection of in-flight retail offerings using their personal mobile phones, tablets, or laptops. Connecting to the content is as simple as accessing the local Wi-Fi network created onboard by AirFi’s hardware solution. This digital upgrade can be implemented without the need to take the aircraft out of service.

(Photo: AirFi)

AirFi ensures that accessing the content is cost-free. Passengers are not required to download any apps prior to the flight or share their personal information to connect to the network. With AirFi’s streaming solution, airlines can revolutionize the in-flight experience, offering passengers a variety of engaging options while simultaneously driving additional revenue streams.

Job Heimerikx, CEO of AirFi, shared his thoughts on the recent announcement in an interview with Avionics International. He also discussed AirFi’s LEO (low-Earth orbit) satellite solution, developed in partnership with Iridium and SKYTRAC, which received multiple Crystal Cabin Awards. Check out our Q&A with AirFi’s CEO below:

Avionics International: From your perspective, what do you see as the key factors that led easyJet to choose AirFi’s portable streaming solution?

Job Heimerikx: AirFi has its own factory and complete control of its own product. We’re not buying components or products from somebody else, and we are able to produce at very high volumes—or low volumes—depending on demand. We could pull off a four-month deployment on all these aircraft. That must have played a factor. 

The way we are dealing with safety and operational safety is different from other companies in the market. We strongly believe that switching batteries during the flight is a dangerous thing, because you cannot control the health of the battery. Batteries need to be protected; measurements, fluctuations, all that is incredibly important to us.

Avionics: How does AirFi ensure a seamless and reliable streaming experience for passengers, considering the challenges associated with in-flight Wi-Fi connectivity?

Heimerikx: The AirFi system is a closed-loop system. In other words, we do not make a connection to the ground. There’s no internet connection, no browsing or surfing the internet. We created the solution in such a way that we have multiple independent nodes. Every box works independently, which makes it a multi-redundant system that is very reliable during flight. If one of the boxes would drop out for whatever reason, the other boxes could automatically take over the bandwidth. That really helps with service consistency. 

We are not taking part in the race to bring gigabytes per second to the aircraft. That’s not our game. But we do work together with Iridium and SKYTRAC to provide a window-based antenna solution that is incredibly reliable. This is because we are dealing with a LEO solution that works pole to pole and not a specific area, and we do not require a 90-degree angle with the messaging from the satellite in order to have good reception. 


From a reliability point of view, there are two very important factors. There’s multi-redundancy in the entertainment/box part as well as the connectivity part. It is multi-redundant by design, which makes it a very reliable solution. From a passenger experience perspective, similar to at home, we enjoy the fact that the phones have a memory of friendly Wi-Fi connections they connected to in the past. This means that if you have used the AirFi solution in one of the aircraft that we supply it to, the next time you end up on an aircraft using the AirFi solution, the phone will automatically connect. 

Avionics: Could you discuss any of AirFi’s future plans for innovation and development in onboard entertainment and passenger engagement? Are there any exciting features or partnerships on the horizon?

Heimerikx: In the second half of this year, we will announce several new innovations both on the payment side as well as on the entertainment side of things. One of the innovations is something we probed several years ago called DANCE24. It’s EDM music festivals that have been recorded, which we bring to the IFE space. The first major airlines are now going to pick this up. 

Are there potential scalability and cost-efficiency advantages of AirFi’s portable streaming solution compared to others available in the market?

From an efficiency point of view, it’s rather straightforward, especially if you look at the installed solution where we install the AirFi box in the overhead bin. It’s a 4.5-kilogram solution that covers the entire aircraft. From a weight penalty perspective and therefore from a fuel consumption perspective, we are incredibly efficient. 

The use case for the in-flight entertainment solution itself, without the LEO, is [mainly] based on entertainment but also on providing the opportunity for airlines to organize in-seat ordering. That has a massive benefit and increase in what is being sold onboard from onboard retail or from onboard catering. We see double-digit growth in those sales in some of our trials—very substantial. 

From a connectivity perspective, it’s all about validating payments and allowing passengers to send messages to the ground. Allowing passengers to send messages to the ground increases the so-called “repurchase intention,” or customer happiness—a statement or claim made by pretty much every IFC/IFE provider. We also do it in an extremely cost-effective way. The price for equipping an aircraft with an AirFi system is only 10% of the price you would expect from any other in-flight entertainment and connectivity supplier out there. Yet we can still do over 90% of all use cases—onboard sales, payment validation, flight deck information, crew empowerment, connecting flights, all these kinds of things don’t require a gigabit connection.

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How Airports Can Prepare For Electric Aircraft

One of the primary concerns of airports revolves around the scale and variety of future electric aircraft operations.

Engineering firm WSP has taken the lead in assisting airports in the preparations for electric aircraft. With electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) vehicles on the horizon, WSP is working closely with clients to integrate these groundbreaking advancements into their master plans.

A significant project currently underway is WSP’s collaboration with Philadelphia International Airport, where they are incorporating provisions for a state-of-the-art vertiport facility into the airport’s master plan update. This approach demonstrates the airport’s commitment to embracing advanced air mobility and ensuring seamless integration of eVTOLs into their operations.

Additionally, WSP is spearheading the master plan for the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, which encompasses the redevelopment of an existing vertiport to accommodate electric aircraft. 

(Photo: City of Dallas)

Gaël Le Bris, Vice President, Aviation Planning and Senior Technical Partner, WSP USA, talked about the firm’s extensive experience in this area during a recent interview with Avionics International. Le Bris brings a unique perspective to the table, with a background in both aeronautical and civil engineering, as well as prior experience as a site development manager for Paris Charles de Gaulle International Airport.

“I lead aviation planning and engineering studies across the United States and abroad,” Le Bris shared. “Our main clients are airport operators, research institutions, and flight operators. We work for them on a broad range of issues from strategic advisory to capital project delivery.”

Le Bris emphasized WSP’s commitment to developing comprehensive guidance for advanced mobility (AAM), electric aircraft, and hydrogen technologies. The firm has collaborated with institutions in the U.S. like the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine—and in particular the Transportation Research Board—on groundbreaking research.

“We wrote the first-ever guidance documents to airport practitioners on advanced mobility, electric aircraft, and hydrogen technologies,” Le Bris explained. “They are labeled as research reports, but they offer practical guidance to practitioners.”

WSP’s dedication extends beyond research and academia. The firm actively collaborates with State Departments of Transportation in the U.S., advising them on policies and planning strategies to facilitate the emergence of AAM. WSP also works directly with aviation facility operators to incorporate the necessary infrastructure requirements for the advent of electric aircraft and advanced air mobility.

This includes heliports and vertiports, such as the vertiport in downtown Dallas, as well as conventional hub airports like Philadelphia International Airport. 

Le Bris emphasized that while airports are aware of what’s ahead, there are significant considerations and uncertainties that need to be addressed in order to prepare for eVTOL operations that are expected to commence in 2025.

He highlighted the primary concerns of airports, which revolve around the scale and variety of electric aircraft operations. Whether it’s air taxis with VTOL capabilities, electric regional and urban air mobility, or other types of electric aircraft, airports need to determine the appropriate facilities to accommodate these new technologies.

At present, the majority of aviation facilities are not ready for eVTOL operations, according to Le Bris. However, the timeline for implementation is still a few years away. One limiting factor is the delivery speed of these aircraft. Although there are substantial orders for electric aircraft from OEMs, it will take time to fulfill them. This delay will allow airports to develop realistic planning scenarios and implementation strategies.

One of the challenges in airport planning is the uncertainty surrounding operating cost savings that are often touted by OEMs. While there are claims of 40% lower operating costs compared to traditional aircraft, there is a lack of concrete evidence and benchmarks for the unique services enabled by electric aircraft. These cost considerations ultimately drive demand, and it is essential to establish reliable data before making accurate forecasts.

Rather than relying on quantitative forecasts, WSP focuses on developing reasonable planning scenarios. “instead of trying to do quantitative forecasts that, in my opinion, are very uncertain right now—and not necessarily very reliable—we come up with reasonable planning scenarios,” Le Bris said. “We talk about what kind of operations are expected, and what volume.” 

For instance, the focus may be on urban air mobility (UAM), with eVTOLs shuttling passengers between airports and downtown areas, or on regional mobility that involves electric short take-off and landing (eSTOL) or conventional take-off and landing (CTOL) aircraft. Depending on the scenario, the location of vertiport facilities may vary, with land-side facilities away from the main aircraft operating area for UAM and more integrated airside operations for regional air mobility.

(Photo: Electro.Aero)

Le Bris also discussed other factors to consider, such as energy requirements, power infrastructure, energy resiliency, and the potential use of hydrogen as a power source for fuel-cell electric aircraft. Developing specific supply chains to deliver hydrogen to aviation end-users is a critical consideration in realizing the full potential of these technologies.

By considering different scenarios, addressing uncertainties, and strategically planning infrastructure development, airports can successfully integrate electric aircraft into their operations and capitalize on the promise of advanced air mobility.

During the interview, Le Bris shared insights on how states like Washington, Utah, and North Carolina are actively preparing for the implementation of electric aircraft operations. He highlighted WSP’s involvement in helping these states develop a vision and strategy to facilitate the emergence of these technologies while leveraging them for the benefit of communities.

In the case of Washington State, WSP conducted an electric aviation implementation study to assess different use cases and determine an implementation timeline. The study aimed to identify early policies and programs that would position Washington State at the forefront of electric aviation. Given the presence of OEMs and flight operators in the state, it was crucial to develop strategies that align with their progress.

Similarly, the State of Utah engaged WSP in an AAM implementation study. Beyond timelines and technologies, the study focused on planning policies to direct positive energy around AAM and create services that serve specific use cases and communities throughout the state. Le Bris emphasized the importance of safe and efficient facilities to support the emerging AAM industry.

One specific aspect explored with the state of Utah was the possibility of state departments of transportation (DOTs) issuing minimum standards for vertiport facilities. Currently, there is no federal standard for vertiports, and relevant documents, such as the FAA’s Engineering Brief 105, are at varying stages of maturity. WSP aimed to consolidate existing guidance and provide suggestions on things like vertiport design, power requirements, building codes, aircraft detection, monitoring equipment, and micro weather systems.

Le Bris also referred to a previous engagement with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (DOT) on the development of NC Move 2050. This long-range vision aimed to combine ground, air, and sea transportation across the state. WSP contributed expertise to help North Carolina envision corridors and routes for small uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) delivery, urban air mobility, and other emerging transportation modes.

Will electric aircraft such as eVTOLs be able to compete with ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft? Rather than competing directly, these kinds of passenger services will actually be complementary, according to Le Bris.

He noted that advanced air mobility (AAM) and mass transit offer distinct forms of transportation and serve different purposes within communities.

Le Bris dismissed the notion that AAM would replace mass transit entirely, highlighting that both play vital roles in meeting diverse mobility needs. Mass transit provides efficient transportation for large numbers of people, while AAM offers local aviation capabilities. The pricing and speed of these services differ significantly, and customers should not expect the cost of an eVTOL ride, particularly one that requires a pilot, to be as affordable as a bus ticket or commuter train ride.

While the price of an eVTOL ride may be higher than traditional transportation options, flying above congested traffic offers a unique value proposition. As an example, Le Bris cited Blade Air Mobility’s operation of conventional helicopters from Manhattan to airports in the New York area, with an airfare price of around $120. If AAM can offer a similar pricing range or even slightly lower costs due to reduced operating expenses, “I think we’re opening a lot of doors here to regular middle-class people being able to afford these things for going to the airport,” he remarked.

In the future, AAM could be even more affordable as a result of automation.

(Photo: Blade)

Earlier this year, Blade Air Mobility and BETA Technologies completed the first test flight of a piloted eVTOL aircraft in the greater New York City area.

One critical factor affecting the cost dynamics of AAM is aircraft certification. Regulatory bodies are adjusting their certification approaches for these innovative aircraft, and their requirements will have a substantial influence on overall costs. Le Bris emphasized that the evolving certification process will shape the future economic landscape of electric aircraft and their competitiveness with traditional taxi services.

Extensive collaboration among stakeholders and regulators is needed in order to realize the full potential of advanced air mobility. There is a need to establish appropriate standards and industry practices while ensuring a realistic and reasonable timeline for implementation. 

Le Bris stressed the significance of an inclusive approach that actively engages local communities, particularly when creating new services for intra-city and intra-urban mobility. To successfully develop vertiports and transform existing heliports into efficient operations facilities, obtaining the support and buy-in of the local community is essential. This collaborative construction of the future of advanced mobility should involve residents and various stakeholders to ensure that their perspectives are considered and valued.

Read more about WSP’s perspective on electric aviation here.

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NASA’s Artemis II Rocket Flight Software Meets Testing Checkpoint

Software engineers recently finished the first part of the Artemis II SLS flight software’s formal qualification testing. (Photos: NASA/Brandon Hancock)

As NASA’s Artemis program progresses, its team is reaching significant milestones. The first Artemis astronauts have commenced their training for the landmark Artemis II mission, which will orbit the Moon. Meanwhile, at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, dedicated teams are testing and configuring the flight software that will power the large Moon rocket on its journey.

The initial training phase for the key members of the Artemis II mission is well underway. At the heart of the mission lies the Space Launch System (SLS), NASA’s most powerful rocket. When the SLS launches the Artemis II crew aboard the Orion spacecraft, the rocket will generate 8.8 million pounds of thrust. The flight software of the SLS acts as the “brains” of the rocket, orchestrating its complex operations from ignition until the separation of the in-space propulsion stage, all transpiring within the critical first eight minutes of the mission.

Inside the state-of-the-art SLS Software Development Facility (SDF) at the Marshall Space Flight Center, a team of skilled software engineers recently completed the initial phase of formal qualification testing for the Artemis II SLS flight software. This software, consisting of approximately 50,000 lines of code, has undergone rigorous testing to ensure its reliability and efficiency.

The testing process involves simulating various normal and off-nominal SLS rocket and environmental scenarios, known as test cases, to assess the performance of the SLS computer systems and flight software. The engineers executed 179 procedures, comprising approximately 58,000 test cases, during the two-week test period, surpassing the scope of the previous qualification testing conducted for Artemis II in 2022.

Building on the success of the Artemis I launch in November 2022, the SLS flight software team has incorporated operational enhancements and novel test scenarios into the Artemis II preparations. Valuable lessons learned from previous missions have influenced the development of the software, ensuring that it is primed to respond effectively to thousands of potential test cases on launch day.

The upcoming months will witness the commencement of the second and final phase of formal qualification testing for the SLS flight software in the SDF, scheduled to begin in July. Engineers will initiate integrated system testing in the SLS System Integration Lab (SIL) using the complete suite of SLS avionics hardware and flight software, starting in the fall. The comprehensive results obtained from the SIL system and the flight software SDF will provide essential evidence to support the readiness of the Artemis II mission.

By the time Artemis II embarks on its journey, the flight software engineers will have virtually “flown” the SLS mission more than 100,000 times within the extensive SLS avionics and software development and test facilities.

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Honeywell to Acquire Saab’s Heads-Up Display Assets

A new agreement includes plans for a three-year collaboration between Saab and Honeywell; the Head-Up Display (HUD) assets will be transferred to Honeywell following the collaboration. (Photo: Saab)

Honeywell and Swedish aerospace and defense company Saab reached an agreement last week regarding the acquisition of Saab’s heads-up display (HUD) assets. The HUDs will be integrated into the Honeywell Anthem flight deck (following a three-year collaboration) and will be available as an option for Honeywell’s Primus Epic flight deck as well.

Vipul Gupta, vice president and general manager, Avionics, Honeywell Aerospace, remarked in the company’s announcement that HUDs can improve situational awareness for pilots and reduce their workload. They also improve airport access as part of an Enhanced Flight Vision System. “The addition of HUDs as part of our wider avionics offerings will provide our customers in business aviation, air transport, and defense segment a great safety tool that can be particularly useful during takeoff and landing, which are typically the most crucial parts of any flight,” Gupta said.

(Photo: Saab)

HUD technology has evolved significantly since its early days and has become an integral part of aviation operations. Leading companies like Honeywell, Collins Aerospace, Thales, and Elbit Systems continue to push the boundaries of HUD development, resulting in advanced systems that enhance pilot situational awareness and safety. With continued advancements in display technology, augmented reality, and integration with other avionics systems, the future of HUDs holds tremendous potential for revolutionizing the aviation industry further.

Thales first introduced the initial version of TopMax, a wearable HUD, in 2016. An upgraded version of the technology was unveiled in 2019 as a lighter, less bulky headset.


Elbit Systems designed a Low-Profile Head-Up Display (LPHUD) series for advanced fighter jets that includes a range of narrow neck HUD systems. The LPHUDs are compatible with advanced 4th, 4.5, and 5th-generation fighter aircraft, and they feature a Large Area Display (LAD). 

(Photo: Elbit)

Last October, Collins achieved a technical standard order, or TSO, for its combined vision system (CVS) for business aviation aircraft. Their “advanced CVS algorithms blend the full EVS image and SVS into a single conformal view,” according to the company.

“Whether it’s poor weather, smoke, dust, demanding terrain or busy airports, CVS clearly and automatically displays the critical visual information pilots need to safely operate their aircraft,” explained Craig Brown, general manager of Vision Systems at Collins.


The concept of the heads-up display was first introduced for military aircraft during World War II. These early systems consisted of basic optical components that projected simple targeting information onto a transparent screen.

HUD technology eventually found its way into civil aviation cockpits. In the 1970s, the first commercial aircraft to adopt HUDs was the General Dynamics F-111B. However, it was the introduction of the Rockwell Collins (now Collins Aerospace) HUD system in the Boeing 767 that marked a significant milestone for HUD technology in the commercial aviation sector. This development prompted further integration into various aircraft models.

Over the years, some notable advancements in HUD technology have been made:

Augmented Reality (AR) HUDs: AR HUDs have revolutionized the aviation industry by overlaying digital information on the real-world view. These systems provide pilots with real-time data, like navigation cues, flight parameters, and weather conditions, superimposed directly onto their field of view.

Enhanced Display Capabilities: HUDs now offer high-resolution, color displays with wider fields of view, ensuring better readability and improved situational awareness for pilots. These advancements enable pilots to quickly interpret critical information without diverting their attention from the external environment.

Integration with Synthetic Vision Systems (SVS): The integration of HUDs with SVS technology has been instrumental in enhancing pilot situational awareness during low-visibility conditions. By combining real-time sensor data and digital terrain databases, pilots are provided with a virtual representation of the external environment, reducing the risk of controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) accidents.

Head-Wearable Displays (HWDs): Recent developments in HWDs, such as smart glasses, offer potential HUD applications in general aviation. These wearable devices can provide pilots with critical flight data and navigation information while maintaining a clear line of sight outside the cockpit.

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Inside the FLARM Collision Avoidance System

(Photos: FLARM)

FLARM (FLight alARM), a traffic and collision avoidance system developed by the company of the same name, is helping pilots to avoid collisions by bolstering their situational awareness. With several aircraft across the world now equipped with this technology, Flarm Technology hopes its collision avoidance system will help maintain the aviation industry’s strong safety record.

FLARM mitigates the risk of in-flight collisions by calculating and sharing an aircraft’s future flight paths with other nearby aircraft all while collecting the same data from surrounding air traffic. Then, using an intelligent motion prediction algorithm, FLARM calculates the collision risk for an aircraft based on an integrated risk model. The system works even in areas with limited radar coverage.

Most FLARM systems incorporate an ADS-B and transponder receiver which incorporates transponder-equipped aircraft into the collision prediction algorithm, the company says. This is particularly important for operations in high-density traffic airspace.

The most recent aircraft to receive this technology is the Bell 214 helicopter. The two-bladed rotorcraft, which was built between 1970 and 1981, has a service ceiling of 16,400 feet and a range of 220 nautical miles. The helicopter has a cruise speed of 140 knots and a length of just under 50 feet. These specifications have made it a popular choice for military and air rescue operations, both sectors of the aviation industry in which a strong collision avoidance system is not only useful, but also a potentially life-saving feature.

When installed by SPAES Aviation, two FLARM antennas were strategically placed on the helicopter to maximize both transmission and signal reception. Equipping the helicopter with FLARM also required integrating the system’s avionics with the existing avionics suite of the Bell 214. Thanks to close collaboration with the customer, SPAES reported that the integration of FLARM with the aircraft’s existing systems and interfaces was a seamless process. Following its installation, SPAES performed extensive testing to validate the performance and functionality of the system, and the results showed that FLARM met the highest industry standards and regulations.

FLARM calculates and broadcasts its future flight path to nearby aircraft. It also receives future flight paths from any nearby aircraft. An algorithm calculates a predicted risk of collision for each aircraft, and pilots are alerted when a collision is imminent.

Operators using FLARM will enjoy several benefits that enhance the safety of flight, the company says. For one, pilots will experience improved situational awareness thanks to the ability to detect nearby traffic, even in low visibility and non-optimal weather conditions. The system also provides visual and audio alerts to pilots, thus helping to ensure that collisions are avoided by allowing pilots to take evasive actions in a timely manner.

“Installing the FLARM collision avoidance system in the Bell 214 helicopter not only elevates safety measures but also instills confidence and reassurance among pilots and operators,” said Joachim Schanz, CEO of SPAES Aviation.

This system is compatible with a variety of aircraft types extending well beyond the Bell 214, FLARM says. Several variations of the system were created to give customers more flexible options when installing FLARM. For example, PowerFLARM Portable was created for aircraft where behind-the-panel installation isn’t possible. With variations accommodating a variety of aircraft designs, FLARM hopes its system will prove to be popular across many industry segments and aircraft types.

While SPAES Aviation installed FLARM on the Bell 214, it offers a variety of products and services that support aircraft operations for customers. The aerospace company dedicates much of its efforts to the development of mission equipment and creating features that help crews in challenging situations and conditions. Its range of avionics services in this area includes entertainment, flight management, GPS, WHEEL ALT, data recording, TCAS, and COM/NAV.

SPAES is a standalone Part 21J design organization and Part 21G production organization. The company has European-wide access to several aviation companies and maintenance organizations.

The company also develops medical systems to support air-rescue crews. Oftentimes these crews are faced with patients in life-threatening conditions, meaning having optimal medical equipment installed on aircraft can save lives. Additionally, SPAES supports firms in engineering projects. For years it has worked with customers to help develop and approve new aviation technologies. The development of aircraft structural components and integration of tactical systems are just two examples of how it helps customers reach their goals through project support, and how it supported customers while integrating FLARM with the Bell 214’s existing systems.

FLARM is one of the partners involved in Switzerland’s U-space Implementation (SUSI). The Swiss U-space Implementation framework was designed by the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) to build an open ecosystem for uncrewed traffic management, or UTM, in Switzerland. FLARM is working on electronic identification for uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS). Regulations have started to require UAS to be identified remotely by electronic means, which is done in combination with a UAS registry database. This improves security and provides easier access to airspace for operators.

The principle of electronic identification (eID) is that a cooperative UAS regularly broadcasts a unique identifier and the current position through a radio frequency digital message. This enables authorized parties to detect, identify, locate, and track UAS anywhere at any time, also in the absence of network connectivity or other infrastructure.

SPAES Aviation’s latest project of installing FLARM on the Bell 214 helicopter demonstrates its dedication to helping customers modernize their fleets and operations with better technology. With more aircraft taking to the skies than ever before, modern collision avoidance solutions will be critical to maintaining safety in the aviation industry. 

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